Yamaha MT 15

Beyond the Basics: Surprising Motorcycle Features You Have Overlooked

The Automotive World 

Motorcycles are currently the most significant commuting vehicles in the automobile industry. When going locally, having cars for one or two people is preferable. It is significantly less expensive than a car to operate, maintain, and purchase. In poor nations, motorcycles are crucial for daily transportation. Motorcycles, however, are considered luxury items in certain wealthy countries. Many people frequently ride motorcycles. Some rides are for their needs, while others are for enjoyment. Motorcycles today have incredible characteristics that most people are unaware of. Riders are experts at riding motorcycles, but occasionally, they must be made aware of what makes the ride simpler. Therefore, let us examine the fantastic features that people are unaware of.

Some features of motorcycles that people are not aware of

Fuel tank reserve

Almost all motorcycles have a fuel tank reserve valve or indicator. Some motorcycles have a reserve valve, some have a digital or analog fuel gauge, and some have both. We must open the reserve valve when the fuel tank is nearly empty. This serves as a reminder to refuel before the tank runs dry. We can only ride the motorcycle for a few kilometers using our reserved gasoline. The gasoline indication will continuously blink on a digital fuel gauge. This serves as a reminder to recharge. The driver might have to push the motorcycle if they disregard this warning.

Position lamp

Parking lights are frequently referred to as position lamps. These lamps signal a vehicle’s position, such as whether it is parked or moving. A switch with a parking lamp telltale denotes a headlamp bulb with less intensity (7W or less). Additionally, a low-intensity rear brake lamp and a lamp for the license plate will turn on. It is typically used while the headlamp is off or on bikes with sidecars.

Mirror in the rear

On the handle are affixed the rearview mirrors. Right and left side mirrors are now standard on every motorcycle and scooter. Observe objects or cars in the rear while riding. A rider can see clearly to the front, right, and left. However, the cyclist can use the mirrors to see what’s behind them.

Odometer and trip meter on a motorcycle

Under or above the odometer in the speedometer dial box, you’ll find the trip meter under or above the odometer. It only resembles an odometer. However, we can return it to zero after measuring the distance between two points. In analog speedometer clusters, there is often only one trip meter. However, two-trip meters are usually offered in digital collections. Do people need to learn how or why to use the trip meter?

Low and Hi-Beam Light Switch:

Every motorcycle and vehicle has a low beam and a high beam headlight, both controlled by an intense beam light switch. People need to learn when or how to use these beams. Two light settings, namely high and low beams, are controlled by a button on the left-side handlebar (switches are seen in the top image). Every time it is nighttime, the low beam of the headlight should be on. However, turning on the high beams with a valid reason should only be necessary. For the safety of other drivers, never use the high beam. Let’s examine when it would be appropriate to use high beams.

One should use the high beam to achieve a clear view at night and from a distance where there won’t be any other light sources. You should have to change the low beam if a vehicle is within 200 to 300 meters. Suppose you are using road lights while driving on a city street. Headlamps with low beams are recommended. You can briefly activate high-beam lighting to have a clear view when turning on a winding route. In our upcoming article, we’ll go into more detail about the benefits of using high-beam headlights.


A dial with analog digits that, after being multiplied by 1000, shows the engine rpm. It is located right next to the speedometer. This analog dial also mentions the x1000 or x100. A good rider will find this tachometer to be a beneficial feature. Seriously, a sizable portion of users needs to be made aware of the purpose of this meter. If you have owned an automobile for a long time, it also notifies you about clutch plate wear and when gears need to be changed up or down.

Tool kit

A set of open-ended spanners, a spark plug/box spanner, a fixed spanner, and a screwdriver are included in a tool kit. This kit is excellent for correcting minor issues like replacing the spark plug, adjusting the hardware, etc.

Rear Shock Absorber Adjustable

Adjustable cutouts are on the top or bottom of the rear shock absorbers. Some motorcycles can be adjusted in 7, 5, 4, or 3 ways. Using this cutout, the rider can modify the suspension’s suppleness. Softer suspensions are produced if the suspension is set in the deepest groove. Additionally, the rest will smother in the shallow groove. They behave as cam locks in these grooves.

Ignition Kill Switch:

You can notice a red switch close to the accelerator in the image above. This switch serves both practical and safety purposes. It makes it simple to turn the engine on and off swiftly. Additionally, it offers protection, as you have to turn it on before starting the engine.

Side stand indicator

A motorcycle must have a side stand by default. Every time, mounting the bike to the main frame is impossible. The side stand is best for quick and simple parking. In the end, a kickstand is helpful. But in addition to its utility, it also has drawbacks. In a rush, riders occasionally need help to take down the side stand. It might lead to a risky circumstance. To prevent this, the manufacturer includes a warning or indicator in the instrument cluster. It could be a loud warning signal, a red light, or any other light. You should keep away from a motorcycle maker.


There are many other features of a motorcycle. A modern bike depends on these features. Whenever you buy a motorcycle, check these features. Otherwise, you can buy a Yamaha MT 15. This motorcycle is modern and classy, and the performance is also excellent. If you plan to buy, remember to check out this motorcycle.

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